Have you been personally affected by floods in NYC?
Simulate claim compensation for the climate damage you’ve had from floods in New York City.
Your compensation can be simulated by a calculation based on the depth of water that flooded your neighborhood. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), just one inch of water in your home can cause up to $11,000 in damage. Therefore, the inches of floodwater measured in your neighborhood are automatically factored into your claim simulation to reach a final estimate of your monetary compensation for damage caused by floods. This calculator also uses the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by each of the major fossil fuel companies, to determine the specific liability of each company.
Nothing about your data and claim will be collected or recorded in any way. Read more about this website’s privacy policy.
If the flood can be attributed to climate change, you should be entitled to
financial compensation from major fossil fuel companies. Thanks to
FloodNet, a network of sensors measuring the depth of floods throughout NYC, flooding data can be used as evidence for your claim, such as the time and water level, to then be combined with attribution science and greenhouse emissions data. This website helps to compute these data points to simulate claims for compensation from fossil fuel firms responsible for the damage.
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), just one inch of water in your home can cause up to $11,000 in damage. This project
extrapolates from the FEMA system and simulates claims that could be made based on the depth of water that flooded your neighborhood.
Browse by Borough and Addresses of Measured Floods in New York City
Fossil fuel companies are accountable for the damage from climate change, read about legal cases in New York City.
Thanks to
Attribution Science it is now possible to calculate how much greenhouse gases the major fossil firms have emitted over the past decades, and thereby calculate how much economic damage they have caused for society, and for you.
Read more about it.